Beow Yeap, ScD
Beow Yeap has collaborated closely with investigators in radiation oncology, radiation physics, medical oncology, molecular pathology, and thoracic surgery at the MGH Cancer Center and Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center since joining MGH Biostatistics in 1999. She has developed extensive experience and expertise in design and analysis of clinical trials and correlative studies for adult and pediatric tumors, with primary focus on proton radiation therapy and molecularly targeted therapies.
Her contributions to translational research encompass preclinical models as well as human studies, including the identification and validation of biomarkers for prognosis and prediction of therapeutic benefit. She has played a leadership role in multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional research efforts as Director of the Biostatistics Core for the Program Project in proton therapy research and DF/HCC SPORE in Lung Cancer.
She has played a leadership role in multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional research efforts as Director of the Biostatistics Core for the Program Project in proton therapy research and DF/HCC Lung Cancer Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE).
In between her degree studies for an A.M. in Statistics from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts & Sciences and an Sc.D. in Biostatistics from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, she gained valuable experience in cancer clinical trials at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.